
May 12, 2005 01:13

Today was not very productive, at a time when I truly can't afford to slip. Things got done - some good things. But there was also restlessness, discontent, cabin fever... and they're much more conducive to pacing than academic argumentation.

Tomorrow. Or, well, today now. Tomorrow/today will be better. I will coax this paper into being. I will grade. I will be a well-oiled machine and not a firecracker.

Part of the problem is the fact that I'm not writing, these days. Haven't written in nearly two months. A backlog of stories. The stagnation isn't healthy - it festers. Soon, though, there will be time. Starting Monday.

And then there's the fact that Lisa leaves in ten days. For twelve weeks. I wonder what this summer will be like... sometimes I think I know, and sometimes I know I don't have a clue. Latin and biking and reading and drinking and writing and chilling - those are the givens. They are good. But it's the other verbs that I worry about.

Time to sleep, for now. Maybe I'll wake up to the thunder, again.
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