Look what I got! (: I love it. I'll probably wear it when I go down to Sydney~
haha look at my feet >_<
Not too much has happened lately. Just been spending time with my baby ♥ and been seeing friends.
I am adoring the new Jelly print that is coming out!!!
Me & Cherie really want it in blue!! Cheries coming down to visit me soon! Should be good I miss her tones!!
I have never really done one of these before, but why not! I got tagged a few times...
A. List ten habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
B. Tag ten people to do the same.
C. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it."
1. I can't fit all my clothes in my closet ):
2. I never have the confidence to wear what I want to on a daily basis. (fairy kei, gyaru, ect...)
3. I have always been upset by the fact that I'm cute and not sexy.
4. I have been working for the government for almost two years!
5. I collect living dead dolls (the only non-pink things in my room haha)
6. I love holidays (christmas, halloween, australia day, ect) because I love putting up decorations!
7. I have nightmares every night.
8. I love fake things! (hair extensions, fake nails, fake tans, eyelash extensions) I have none at the moment ):
9. I hate that my journal isnt very personal anymore. Oh well I guess only my close friends will ever know (:
10. I am crazily shy around new people and can seem like a bitch because of it ):
I tag... in alphabetical order... bakmes, baloon_boom, bleedingxpaints, buttonss, chibi_tenshi, friezaess, pretty_melodies, shelby_cloud, vysanthe & xelyna
Last thing I want to share!
This was from a photoshoot quite a few months ago with Lexi Vegas.
I just love it.
You can see the egl post
Please check out my sales
I got formspring!!
haha just following the trends
add me here! Thanks for reading ♥