May 10, 2006 08:10
let me just note that i have had the damndest time tryin to sleep lately. last night i even took a sleeping pill to help me stay asleep. it made me really tired, but i just couldn't stay asleep. and, to top it off, i woke up suddely. did i mention i am a hyper light sleeper. well yeah. i heard somethin scurryin around in my room and waited to make sure that i wasn't hearin things. then i just KNEW that it was a fuckin roach!! sure enough, i turned on the light and it was. fuck. anyway, i jumped up, got some roach killer, ad sprayd that mother fucker til it went crazy. in hindsight, not the smartest thing to do, because it did just that, went crazy. it went everywhere, and then i heard my grandpa up and screamed for him. yeah very fuckin funny, i know. he was like, what the hell! and i just said " peepaw, there is a roach in my room and i want you to kill it!!" he looked a little pissed, but at the moment i could giveashit, as long as it was gone. we went to look for it...well, he did, and couldn't find it. where was it u may ask...? crawlin on my fuckin bed!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG i started hollerin at my grandpa and tellin him not to kill it cuz i didn't want it dead on my bed, butjust gone. well, he got it,but it took me a while to ge backin bed. i heard my grandma laughin tho, she just thought it was funny as shit that i was freakin out so much. well, let ithave been HER bed! shit.