sleep deprivation, anger, resolution, and sweet emails. <3 (from john, of course!)

Oct 06, 2006 22:16

so today was wierd. definately completely burned out from rewriting my paper 3 times last night. oh well. chem was a work day, i looked at my college stuff. physics was exciting, talked about lord of the rings. in creative writing i got 19/20 on my memoir peice (yay!) and he liked my ending for it. i read my character sketch for "coffeehouse" (everyone has to read their work or looses points, i hate it, but it's really good for me), which was less creepy than my graveyard piece, and less mushy than my memoir. anyway, first part of off played 10 fingers with a 14 year old and two or my other friends, i was the friking angel. but it's good, i wouldnt want to do half the stuff they have. cuz it's just gross, not fun.. you know?? especially the 14 year old. i'm like... i didn't even THINK like that a year ago. gah! anyway. then megan bitched at me, so i got pissed, and it ruined my day, but i'm over it now. lol. gov was boring, aerobics made me feel a little better. came home, went to grandparents to eat, got back home, fell asleep for 2 hours. really nice. got up watched news and sex in the city (3 first season episodes) and sent back emails to john (!) and masha. john and i are emailing now, since we're never online at the same time, and i talked about how everyone except me is having sex, and he's like.. if it makes you feel any better i'm not getting any either, wich fucking (or not fucking) sucks. god, i don't think i'll ever be completely over that guy. he's aweasome. <3. didn't have much kyle today, unfortunately, because of the megan bitch episode. we did talk for a little while. unfortunately, i didn't see him during lunch, so i also didn't eat lunch. oh well. anyway, that's about it

to OD ppl, thanks for all the comments, i'll reply and read when i have more than 10 minutes before i fall asleep again :D
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