::::::::::::::::happy sigh::::::::::::::::
Universal was so great. When we got there, we all ate a sub in the van. It was yummyful. Anyways, after stuffing our faces, we proceeded to the park. The first ride we went on was "Jurassic Park" haha Andrew got so soaked. I had a water bottle and I dumped it on my dad and brother right before the big drop
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i'm hella trying to get my life together and it's not gonna work here in cali- there's too much going on. my family and friends are off the walls- whatever that means- they're just too much for me to handle. i dropped school for the semester... did u read that entry? the only goal i will have accomplished for my 18th year is moving out. - i mean besides graduating, but that wasn't a question- i was GOING to do that if it killed me. i jsut feel really lost and to be quite candid: FUCKED UP. like without exclamation. i just need space, time, and a wholey positive environment. maybe i'll move to ny over the summer though. that was my plan originally. anyhow- i'm droning on- AS ALWAYS. hahahah. yeah, i'll have net. OF COURSE i'll have it. i'm addicted. same sn's and all that fun stuff. oh, i spoke with brandon (spook) the night b4 last. he dind't say anything about ben, but he seemed REALLY sad that i haven't talked to him in forever. i felt bad. he said "it's cuz you been hangin out wit francis, huh?" LMAO francis is his nic name for tim b4 he knew he was talking about tim. i'd start calling tim francis- BUT i'm not talking to him. LOL. i'll get into that story later. the kinda shitty thing is taht i'm gonna live like less than a mile away from him- go figure. i'll write u another letter when i get there. i'll be back and forth here for a while so u can still write me if you like. -WHEneVER THAT MAY BE. ok, that's a novel. LOL
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