Jumping on the Live 8 Bandwagon!!

Jul 02, 2005 19:00

Dear LJ Friends,

Today, I became part of an unprecedented global call to action to end poverty: Make Poverty History

Right now, there is active campaigning in over 50 countries around the three core demands: More and Better Aid, Make Trade Fair, and Cancel the Debt. In Canada, we're also campaigning to End Child Poverty in Canada.

You've just got to be a part of this campaign.

Go to the Canadian site and sign on to the campaign yourself. If you are in the US, click here.

There is no time to lose. It doesn't matter who or where you are, your voice is critical to the success of this campaign. This is a rare chance to join me and thousands of others across the planet to once and for all make poverty history.

What are you waiting for? Join me and click in!

Canadians, what you can do right now:

Sign on to the campaign

Tell Paul Martin to commit to a timeline for 0.7%

Click others into action - forward this message to your networks.

"If everyone who wants to see an end to poverty, hunger and suffering speaks out, then the noise will be deafening. Politicians will have to listen."
- Archbishop Desmond Tutu

It's just a matter of clicking your mouse and I KNOW you can do that!! Don't just sit there, DO something!! Thanks everyone! :)
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