We went to Kyoto this weekend, and somewhere in the hot sweaty mess we went to the
International Manga Museum. I HIGHLY recommend it if you ever go to Kyoto, even if you're not all that interested in comics. It's a really nice facility. I wish we'd spent more time there. They have walls upon walls upon walls of comics (including an English section) and you can take a pile, park yourself somewhere in the museum and read all day. There are chairs all over the place and an enormous park where you can just lay and read.
Anyway, currently they're showing a special exhibit of Range Murata's art. I'd seen his stuff in passing before but never really looked closely. This exhibit had his comics and art in really large formats, and it was sooo beautiful. I bought his latest book that's full of character concept sketches for Blue Submarine No. 6 and Last Exile and some other stuff... I'm really enamored with it. His female characters usually lean towards the stereotypical little-girl look (but with a really high level of detail and really lovely ethereal colors), but he actually draws men like... men. It's refreshing! Anyway.
Check out his work if you haven't already.