Apr 29, 2008 00:05
Since I'm still awake, and in a somewhat chattyish mood, figured I would finally post something. I've been lurking on here, just not posting anything.
Life has been chaotic, at best. Really hating where I work, and it's nice that there's a light at the end of the tunnel, but it also frustrates me because I'm still stuck here. Some of it I've complained about before, so I'm not going to go into it again. Let's just suffice it to say that I had better working conditions on the ship working mids than I do here. At least I've learned what I would like to actually do because of here. I want to get into a human resources/admin/office manager position. I really love working with people and the level of organization that those jobs require. You'd never guess it from looking at my apartment, but I love being organized. If I could get something where I do scheduling as well, that would be even better. I just don't want to work in the intel community anymore. I don't like it very much to begin with, the stuff I'm doing here I'm not very good at and because I'm not very good at it, I dislike it even more. I've managed to apply to Elizabethtown College in Kentucky, just waiting on my acceptance letter. I'm going to work towards a business administration degree that focuses on human resources. Found out the other day that if I take public speaking, humanities and a natural science course, I would have an associates degree in communications through one of the military colleges. I've taken the public speaking clep and am waiting on the results. Sometime over the next couple of months I'm going to try knocking the other two out. The only concern I have is that some schools, once you use the credits for one degree, they can't be applied towards another. I'll have to call them and check on that, but at least I'd have the classes out of the way. I've also found out that the navy will let you out early for school if you can give them a compelling enough reason why they should. I think I'll be able to convince them to let me out three months early, which means I would be out the end of October. Only six months, I just need to get my package in and get it approved. In the meantime I'm trying to get an idea of where I'll be able to apply for a job once I get down near Fort Knox. Fortunately, Don has told me that until I get settled that I don't have to worry about helping with rent and stuff like that. After I get a steady job, it'll be different, but at least he's there to help me get set up. I'm working on getting all my credit cards paid off by time I get out, and I think I'll be able to accomplish that. I have payments already set up to pay one of them off, payments set up to pay off half of another and my stimilus check should finish that one and almost pay off the last one. Once they are all paid off I'm going to double my payments to my loan and should have that paid off by October. Sounds good on paper, now I just got to follow through with it. Or find a job that pays enough that I'm not going to have to worry too much about it anyways. I've been talking with one of my friends and she suggested I go to the Family Support Center down there and see if they can help me find something. It's a good idea, but I'm going to have to be in the reserves to be able to get onto base. Which is fine, I was planning on going reserves anyways. I'm going to see if I can change my job to one that is offering a bonus. If I can, there's a couple of them that are giving a $20k bonus, upfront, for six years. I think I can handle that. And I would get paid a bit over $300 a weekend that I'm on duty, plus for my two weeks a year, I can request to be sent anywhere that my job is utitlized. I'm thinking Hawaii, paid, for two weeks sounds pretty damn good to me. And being reserves will cover my medical, which is something else that I've been worrying about. Especially with all the problems I've been having. There's the usual stuff with my knees and my stomach, but I also have something new that I need to keep a bit of an eye on. With the constant rotating shift work, I have been able to remember my birth control as well as I should, so I switched to an IUC. Yeah, that was a painful procedure to get that in, not to mention the after effects of it. I've never really had to deal with mood swings quite that bad, or cramps that cause me to curl up on the ground crying. I couldn't deal with that plus trying to be productive at work, so I finally went into medical. My doctor likes me, she gave me a strong anti-inflamitory and percecet. Surprisingly, the percecet doesn't really make me sleepy or anything like that. It helps me to be able to sleep because I'm not in pain, but it doesn't actually make me sleepy like everyone said it would. Whatever, all I care about is the fact that I'm finally getting sleep. Which in turn helps with the bitch from hell mood swings. Now if I can get my body back down to the size it's suppose to be before my next set of shoots, I'll be happy. I have three of them set up for next week. One of them I'm really excited about, it's an 80's themed shoot with crazy bright colors and slinkies and rubic's cubes and all sorts of stuff. I even managed to get a make up artist to do some crazy make up on me. One might be paid, the photographer has paid me for the last two shoots that I did with him, but I would be willing to work with him for free. I love the work that we come up with and apparently so does the other photographers that look at my portfolio. The last shoot is with a new photographer and it's going to be in more formalwear outdoors. I like his work but I'm not sure that he knows how to work with a plus sized model. Oh well, if I don't like the pictures, I don't have to use them. I'm trying to find a photographer in Kentucky to shoot with. I've had an awful time finding anyone down there. Don has offered to let me do a shoot with his tanks at work, but I can't find anyone. I don't want to advertise that I have the tanks as props, because I'm not entirely sure he's allowed to let me use them, but need to do something to get someone down there. That's one thing I'm going to miss about this area, the overabundance of photographers. I'm really enjoying this modeling thing. I know that it's not going to go anywhere, but who really cares as long as I'm having fun. I enjoy being a muse, especially on the occasions that I'm getting paid for it.
Well, I think I've rambled on long enough. I apologize for the lack of paragraphs, but I don't feel like trying to figure out where they should be. Time for bed for this little girl...