Yes, it's been a while.
Lemme see.... Since my last update I've had a birthday, performed several concerts with my choir, gone full-time at work, opened an ISA, met up with one of my crazy London friends, adopted a Zelos shrine, given up several RP characters....
It must be a sign of getting old when, instead of drinking too much, one merely eats too much! Went out for a curry with my sister and some friends for my birthday. And I was stuffed by the end of it. For once, an ice cream dessert was actually too much for me! And what did I get for my birthday...? Um, some CDs, DVDs, books (including 2 Gravitation mangas!) and
this fairy mobile! I also recently made up a
beaded dragon from a kit for my mum. I now want to try my hand at little beaded fairies in a similar style, when I've got the time.
Speaking of time.... I've gone full-time at work. Not that I think 30 hours is really full-time. And 30 hours at minimum wage is certainly not much money. But it enables me to pay my rent, afford my car, and even save money for the future, so it's enough for now. Speaking of saving...I've taken out an ISA, since I'll probably earn enough to have to pay tax this year. (A mini cash ISA enables you to save up to £3000 per year, tax-free.) So now I feel very grown up. £1000 starts my proper future savings...for a house, or something. I'm also saving at the moment for my car road tax and insurance, due in June, and my summer holidays. I've booked return flights to Toronto to see
ayame_san999 again in June (!!) and I'll be singing with a choir for a week at Wells cathedral in July. The accommodation for the choir trip is really not as cheap as it has been in the past. But hopefully from August I can start saving in earnest for my future.
The one downside to working full-time is my decreased time for internet projects. I find it very difficult to keep up with the online communities I follow, since I can now go several days without the opportunity to log on. It was inevitable, obviously, but has happened sooner than I'd hoped. So I've withdrawn myself from some of the RPs I was involved with, mainly
tos_slash_rp. Very sad to leave, but the comm's really thriving now, and I have no doubt they'll fill Yuan's role soon. To compound the internet problem, though, a couple of weeks ago I adopted a Zelos shrine. It's been taken down from its original location, and I won't be in the position to re-launch it for another couple of weeks, but I'll post here when I do. I'm thinking of getting my own webspace for it, since Dawn is planning her own Zelos shrine. I'm considering registering the domain Cos I can. ^__^
Choir was busy last month, and one of our concerts was broadcast on BBC Radio 3 (although I think the piece is always better heard at a live performance). We've not got any more concerts until early June, which is some relief. I had a cold last week and my throat was pretty sore so I didn't go to last week's rehearsal for fear of doing some damage! I won't have to ask for any time off work for choir for some time, but a lot of my friends will be holding housewarming parties in the next couple of months.... Hmmm. I do like a good party! My friend Sarah, whom I met over 7 years ago when we started university, is moving up to the Midlands next month. Yay! I went out for a curry in Birmingham with her and her boyfriend last Saturday. (Not many functions at work, so I'm mostly doing day shifts at the moment.) Twas great fun catching up.
Ack, my brain's fried. I think that's pretty much all my news. I'm going to test my new USB PSX controller converter now, to see if I can use my PSOne controller with my PC. I might also have been a naughty girl and installed a PSOne emulator, with some game ISOs.... But I really should complete Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance before starting any new games!