Apr 26, 2003 01:00
My day: got up early(6am)for school after going to bed at 3am.
went to work,
went to grandmas house.
went home.
i would say it has been a exhausting day. when i got home the only highlight of my day was to watch a previously recorded episode of "Angel" (i missed it caused i had to work). i saw the (what i call) new episode then went online. only to find out that i have parental controls on my screen name and can no longer get on planetout.com.
NOW I'M FUCKING ENRAGED! there is this flame that went off in my head that turned from a simple lit match to a towering inferno. this is the web site where i find out all my gay info. i meet girls. i find out fun and stupid things. now my parents have ruined that for me.
i'm going to tell my father that he better take off this stupid shit once and for all ::fist raised in anger::. because i don't know what the fuck their afraid i'm going to do. there isn't much any way other than porn. but why the fuck would i look at porn on the web, when i'm old enough to buy it, and star in it! they puzzle me sometimes. i've just come to the conclusion that they simply want to irritate the shit out of me and that they are a bunch of fucking mindless idiots.
on another note, my friend "M" (ill just leave him anonymous for now)leaves me a voice mail at 11:30pm telling me that "we're going out tom for Barbra's birthday the tomorrow (sat) to eat dinner at Tiffany's". not telling me in advance, just expecting me to jump right into it. he doesn't give a shit for anyone but himself. i have had a hell of a week. i didn't get any sleep, i have 3 reports to do, and the only day i have off this week is sat and i have to catch up on school work and see my other grandmother. he just pisses me off. mean while i don't know where he thinks he's going to get the money to pay for dinner at Tiffany's. he doesn't get the fact that he's broke and doesn't have a job. Dur Dur Dur. what a fucking idiot.
other than that my day was the same as every other day