::sigh:: will it ever stop?

Jan 14, 2004 11:36

XxErrxX [10:57 AM]: blah
CampOhSopretty [10:57 AM]: What's wrong?
XxErrxX [10:57 AM]: nothing
CampOhSopretty [10:57 AM]: Oh, i read anout the other girl
XxErrxX [10:57 AM]: did you read my lj
CampOhSopretty [10:57 AM]: Busted, huh?
CampOhSopretty [10:57 AM]: Yeah
XxErrxX [10:57 AM]: :-X
CampOhSopretty [10:57 AM]: :-\
XxErrxX [10:57 AM]: oh god
CampOhSopretty [10:57 AM]: That bad?
XxErrxX [10:57 AM]: busted wasnt the word
CampOhSopretty [10:58 AM]: WOW
CampOhSopretty [10:58 AM]: What did she look like?
XxErrxX [10:58 AM]: lol your going to laugh you ass off
CampOhSopretty [10:59 AM]: lol, go ahead
XxErrxX [10:59 AM]: she was ghetto but girlie ghetto. and.....
XxErrxX [10:59 AM]: she was cross eyed
XxErrxX [10:59 AM]: :-[
XxErrxX [10:59 AM]: god help me
CampOhSopretty [10:59 AM]: Cross eyed???
CampOhSopretty [10:59 AM]: Who the hell is this guy hooking you up with??
XxErrxX [11:00 AM]: youve been laughing for THAT long?
CampOhSopretty [11:00 AM]: Nah, I've stopped
CampOhSopretty [11:00 AM]: How did you react?
XxErrxX [11:00 AM]: no you didnt your still giggling
XxErrxX [11:01 AM]: i was like " what the fuck is that "
CampOhSopretty [11:01 AM]: How long did you guys hang out for?
XxErrxX [11:03 AM]: then i started to wonder if i wacked her in the head a couple of times would her eyes go back to normal
XxErrxX [11:04 AM]: like 30 min
CampOhSopretty [11:04 AM]: Well, was she nice?
XxErrxX [11:04 AM]: she was loud
CampOhSopretty [11:05 AM]: Shit
XxErrxX [11:06 AM]: this convo is going on my lj
CampOhSopretty [11:06 AM]: Are you still meeting with the other girl he's setting you up with?
CampOhSopretty [11:06 AM]: lol
XxErrxX [11:06 AM]: oh god im so scared
CampOhSopretty [11:06 AM]: You should definetley ask for pictures first
CampOhSopretty [11:06 AM]: lol
XxErrxX [11:07 AM]: i dont want to met her. im imagining some sort of yetty
CampOhSopretty [11:09 AM]: LOL
CampOhSopretty [11:09 AM]: Oh god
CampOhSopretty [11:09 AM]: Don't let this guy set you up anymore
CampOhSopretty [11:09 AM]: Jesus
XxErrxX [11:12 AM]: im really afraid. becky help me. ::sniffle:: defend me aganst the army of the ugly chicks
CampOhSopretty [11:13 AM]: LOL
CampOhSopretty [11:13 AM]: I think from now on, you should stick to getting girls on your own
XxErrxX [11:14 AM]: yea i know and thats what i wanted but he just came out of no where and said " i have girls for you. pretty ones"
CampOhSopretty [11:14 AM]: HA!
CampOhSopretty [11:14 AM]: Liar
XxErrxX [11:14 AM]: no wonder he's gay
CampOhSopretty [11:14 AM]: lol
CampOhSopretty [11:14 AM]: Exactly!
CampOhSopretty [11:14 AM]: LOL
CampOhSopretty [11:15 AM]: I was just gonna say that
XxErrxX [11:15 AM]: he doesnt know what the fuck a pretty woman looks like
CampOhSopretty [11:15 AM]: apparently not
CampOhSopretty [11:15 AM]: Has he asked you what you've thought?
CampOhSopretty [11:15 AM]: Have you spoken to him as of late?
XxErrxX [11:16 AM]: yea i told him "whats wrong with you?"
CampOhSopretty [11:16 AM]: lol, good
CampOhSopretty [11:16 AM]: What did he say about this 3rd one?
XxErrxX [11:16 AM]: "i hope you like annie"
XxErrxX [11:16 AM]: (not much help)
CampOhSopretty [11:17 AM]: .....
CampOhSopretty [11:17 AM]: Why?
CampOhSopretty [11:17 AM]: You know what anne looks like, right?
XxErrxX [11:17 AM]: NO:'(
CampOhSopretty [11:17 AM]: Oh my god
XxErrxX [11:18 AM]: im going to ask for a pic
CampOhSopretty [11:19 AM]: GOOD idea
CampOhSopretty [11:20 AM]: "Annie" - the website about the movie
CampOhSopretty [11:20 AM]: Go
CampOhSopretty [11:20 AM]: Look
XxErrxX [11:20 AM]: har fucking har
CampOhSopretty [11:21 AM]: So, THATS Annie
CampOhSopretty [11:21 AM]: Lets hope he was waaaayyyy off
XxErrxX [11:26 AM]: ill find out friday
CampOhSopretty [11:27 AM]: Oy, I can't wait to hear
XxErrxX [11:27 AM]: this is why i have always been sceptical of set ups
CampOhSopretty [11:28 AM]: And now your fears have baisically been justified
CampOhSopretty [11:28 AM]: But i think some people actually have GOOD expiriences
XxErrxX [11:28 AM]: shit i fear it more NOW then i did before
CampOhSopretty [11:29 AM]: Well, the 3rd time can be the charm
XxErrxX [11:30 AM]: yeah fucking right! this guy is batting a thousand!
CampOhSopretty [11:30 AM]: Obviously, he has horrible taste
XxErrxX [11:31 AM]: you know whats funny this guy is going out with max and max is a cute guy
CampOhSopretty [11:31 AM]: Operative word : GUY
XxErrxX [11:31 AM]: i have to make some rules
CampOhSopretty [11:32 AM]: Like what?
XxErrxX [11:32 AM]: #1.chicks with pix first
CampOhSopretty [11:32 AM]: lol. Definetley
XxErrxX [11:33 AM]: #2 then its the phone
XxErrxX [11:34 AM]: #3 ask ray about sexual history(we dont want herpies now do we?)
XxErrxX [11:34 AM]: #4 then its meet in person
CampOhSopretty [11:34 AM]: That's the most important one, I think
XxErrxX [11:35 AM]: #5 then take her to party to see how stupid she acts
XxErrxX [11:35 AM]: /get her drunk
CampOhSopretty [11:35 AM]: Thats a very good system
XxErrxX [11:35 AM]: #6 hee hee
CampOhSopretty [11:36 AM]: lol
CampOhSopretty [11:36 AM]: :-P
XxErrxX [11:37 AM]: being a lesbian is harder then being a straight man. cause there some fucking ugly lesbos out there
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