Oh my God, it's late and I really really should go to bed, but I feel like if I don't get this down now, I will forget all of it in the morning SO BUCKLE UP BITCHES.
Okay, first off, Saban Theater? Really nice, easy to get to (which is a rarity in LA), and as an added bonus, they let you drink in the theater. So I'm sitting there in the first row of Orchestra Rear, surrounded by a bajillion Parks fans, sipping a beer and wondering if this is real life.
Finally, the lights dim and Michael Ausiello comes out with an introduction that's basically one giant mushfest for the "Parks and Rec". He talked about how it went from "That Amy Poehler Show" to "That hysterical Thursday night show with Amy Poehler that you cannot miss". Then he introduced Michael Schur and honestly, I can't quite remember what he said because my brain was going MOSE MOSE MOSE MOSE MOSE. But he was his usual, dry, witty self and introduced "Harvest Festival"
YOU GUYS. This episode. Oh my God. I was really worried that a combination of fic and an overactive imagination caused me to build this episode up to expectations that it could never reach. And in some ways it didn't (spoiler: Ben and Leslie do not have sex on a ferris wheel), but in so many other ways, it was everything I had hoped for and more. There were a lot of brilliantly funny moments, but many sweet ones too (and three out of my seven
wish list items for this episode came true, though I won't say who all is involved). I've always said, and I think a lot of people would agree, that this show is at its best when it relies on the ensemble, and that's exactly what this episode did. More than anything, it was a half-hour long love letter to Pawnee, and it left me feeling things that one probably shouldn't feel about a city that doesn't exist. I can't wait for you guys to see it and gush about it all over again with you :)
Then there was the panel. For me, the excitement of seeing actors in person is always mixed with a bit of fear. Fear that they will turn out to be complete assholes and forever ruin whatever show/movie made me fall in love with them in the first place. I am SO happy to report that this was not the case. To see such talented people be so humble and obviously grateful for their work and this show just made me love the cast even more. Take Amy for example. I honestly don't think Amy even knows how funny she is, or how many people she inspires with her comedy. The whole night, she seemed like she was in awe of the turn out, the praise she got from her castmates (and there was a lot of it going around), everything. It was awesome.
I really enjoyed Greg Daniels and Michael Schur being there. I could listen to the cast talk for days about their characters, but when it comes to the creative process behind the show, both Greg and Mike had great insights. I particularly enjoyed the fact that they aren't just the creators or the executive producers, but they are real fans. There were a few times that Mike quoted an episode, and he got the wording perfect every time, which may not seem like such a big deal, but to me it was a sign that he lives, eats, breathes "Parks and Rec" (just like I do, apparently). The ridiculous attention to detail and continuity is part of what makes the show so great, and to see that it goes right up to the executive producer gives me hope that it will be around for a good long time.
Other highlights:
*15-year-old Aubrey Plaza yelled at Joe Biden.
*"Leslie is like a single mother, and Pawnee is like her child. And if you start to like her child, she's going to have sex with you."--Amy on Ben and Leslie's future.
*Chris Pratt stood and applauded when Aubrey was introduced. Cutest thing ever.
*Rashida talking about how she was a blushing, nervous wreck when Rob Lowe joined the cast.
*Aziz said that at some point this season, Tom hosts his own dating show called "Know Your Boo."
*They had planned on having Mark come back for a few episodes, but when they found out it was a short season, they couldn't fit it in. Hopefully next year.
*Michael Schur on the last half of Season 3: "Leslie's sort of had tunnel vision when it comes to the festival, and now that it's over, it's going to start to dawn on her that Ben's obviously really into her. So they're sort of going to tap dance around each other, and that arc will play out over the rest of the season." (HELL YES)
*Nick Offerman on working with his wife, Megan Mullaly: "I remember watching 'Will and Grace' being filmed and thinking 'I hope someday, when I'm a big kid, I get to work with my wife.'"
*Ausiello asked about the chemistry between the cast and if they all got along. Amy said that every one was so talented, and that generally, talented people are really great to work with. And then Chris Pratt jumped in and said "You know, I have to disagree. Usually, the first person on the casting call, the first person whose name shows up in the credits, usually they aren't that nice to work with. But you are and you made us feel like family." I know I butchered that, but you get the jist, and either way, FEELINGS.
*There was a mad rush to the stage afterward for autographs. I fought my way through and managed to hand my program to Amy. Here's how it went down:
Me: "Thanks, Amy!......I'm really sorry, my pen sucks."
Amy: "Ha!"
Just to recap, I said something, Amy laughed at it. I will replay this moment in my head for many years to come.
*Someone from the audience had asked who their favorite fictional characters were. Nick Offerman mentioned the guy from the Patrick O'Brien novels ("Master and Commander" et al). As Nick was signing my program (my pen sucked then too, so he borrowed someone's Sharpie), David said "Patrick O'Brien. Awesome books." Nick smiled and said "They are the greatest works of literature." CAN YOU NOT HEAR RON SWANSON SAY THAT EXACT SAME THING?
Again, to sum up, I made Amy Poehler laugh and David and Nick Offerman share the same taste in books.
I feel like I'm missing a thousand details and I know more will come to me in the morning when I'm not delirious. The moral of the story is that it was an amazing night and I feel so blessed that I got to be a part of it.