Aug 06, 2011 02:06
[ unfortunately for Estelle, her dreams don't seem to be very pleasant tonight. she suddenly wakes up with a gasp. it's kinda hard to hear, but she sounds pretty panicked; whatever nightmare she had, it wasn't good. she's starting to realize after a few moments of panicpanicpanic that she's safe in bed.
but there is no way she's getting back to sleep right now. she's trying not to wake Yuri as she crawls out of bed. she needs to take a walk. ]
( ooc: Okay, this post can work in a few different ways.
1. If you are Yuri fuckin' Lowell, you can catch her as she's getting out of bed if you like. If you have any better ideas, feel free to enact them.
2. If you are anybody in the vesperians+Resa house, feel free to actionpost with her outside of her and Yuri's bedroom and find out what's wrong from her personally.
3. If you are anybody else, be it friend, foe, or anybody who is not a part of the household, please stick to audio unless audio leads to a meetup somewhere or something.
Also, a warning: there may be possible vesperia spoilers in the comments for those who haven't finished or played the game. )