if they don't put me away, it'll be a miracle

Jan 09, 2007 00:28

not much going on lately.
working tons.
christmas was sweet, got a new laptop and a nice sleeping bag from "annonymous in pittsburgh"
new years was pretty tight. i fell down a lot. thats kinda all you need to know.

I'm getting mad excited for upcomming plans.
- beginning of march: LA for the Price is Right
- mid april: Brand New mini-east coast excursion
- end of june: Nichole's wedding
- july-august: Ecuador and Peru. you should come with me.
I'm becomming a master at cheap airfare/travel

I've gotten lots of emails lately from people who I haven't talked to in FOREVER. Its really great to hear from all these people though. I never realized how broad my scope was. Anyone wanna give me thousands of dollars so I can go visit everyone? ok, thanks.

I picked out this bridesmaids dress for my sister's wedding. And she loves it, so we're going with it.

so as you can tell, my life has been boring lately, but has high hopes of getting more entertaining.
thats why I don't update.
sorry guys.

i can't stop thinking about it and its driving me crazy.
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