
Jan 06, 2010 23:30

Princess Kraehe has kidnapped Mytho, told Fakir and Duck all about it, delivered a string of threats and insults and vanished in a cloud of raven feathers.

The meadow by the gazebo seems unnaturally quiet now that the crow-princess is gone. Duck and Fakir stare at each other. What now?Then the silence is broken by a hand-organ playing "Music of ( Read more... )

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reallyaduck January 7 2010, 04:45:26 UTC
"Oh - Miss Edel," Duck says, just as usual when she hears the music, but her voice is lacking in its usual cheerful energy.

Rue . . . how can Rue be my enemy? We're friends!

- Miss Edel is her friend too, she reminds herself. A helpful friend.

"Miss Edel!" she calls, more vigorously, and starts heading in her direction.


authorsbypass January 7 2010, 05:07:48 UTC
Edel doesn't blink, nor smile at the figures running towards her. She simply stands, winding her barrel organ on to the end of the phrase.

(And this time, don't start taking an interest in the hearts of humans!)

"Water," she says, beginning to turn, "is drawn to fire. Fire, to darkness. Darkness, to silence."

"Come. Let us go."


fairytaleknight January 7 2010, 05:10:48 UTC
Fakir has not gotten enough sleep for this.

"What does that even mean? And where are we going?"


authorsbypass January 7 2010, 05:17:53 UTC
"Where you must go," Edel murmurs, as if this is a perfectly helpful and sufficient answer, and walks past him.

Her heels click demurely against cobblestones, the tempo steady and unhurried.


reallyaduck January 7 2010, 05:25:06 UTC
Duck follows after her, glancing occasionally at Fakir.

She doesn't know why all her friends are so doubting of Miss Edel's information. Miss Edel's always been so nice to her!

Though admittedly what she said about darkness and silence was kind of creepy . . . and the place they're coming up to is a little weird as well, all old stone and giant barred wooden doors.

"This place . . ."

Edel rounds a corner, and Duck follows. "Uh, Miss Edel?"


authorsbypass January 7 2010, 08:36:46 UTC
Edel halts without answering.

The corner she's facing into contains a worn stone relief of a jester staring out at the world. The jewelry doors of Edel's music box swing wide, but there are no piled gems spilling from the drawers right now. Only one stone rests inside, a green and luminous cabochon.


fairytaleknight January 19 2010, 05:12:41 UTC
Fakir examines the nearest door, which is made of heavy wood buttressed with iron and--

"It's locked," Fakir says, trying the padlock.

What are we doing here?

But Fakir's guessed the answer by now. It's time.


I don't want to die, but the waiting's been killing me!)


reallyaduck January 20 2010, 05:28:46 UTC
Duck peers over his shoulder as he fiddles with it. If this is the door, how are they gonna get in? If Fakir can't get it open, there's no way Duck's going to be able to . . .

But Miss Edel wouldn't have brought them there without a reason, right?


authorsbypass January 21 2010, 09:13:36 UTC
Edel lifts the green stone to an oval depression at the jester's neck. It slots in smoothly, and with an audible click.

The fool smirks out at her, worn immobile stone outshone by its new ornament. Now there are two of us, say the words carved beneath. Nün sind unser zwey. Edel doesn't change expression.

(This green gem is called reflection.)

With a low grinding groan, a large block of stone slides downward into a hidden recess. Beyond lies a shadowed tunnel, and stairs sinking down into the depths below this ancient (or ageless?) building.

"You can go to where the prince and Kraehe are from here."


fairytaleknight January 22 2010, 05:39:00 UTC
"A secret door. Of course."

Fakir tries to sound sardonic, and mostly succeeds.

It's a long way down.


authorsbypass January 22 2010, 05:43:02 UTC
Edel ignores all sarcasm. Her voice is light, warm, impersonal: "Go on."


reallyaduck January 23 2010, 05:45:32 UTC
Duck knew Miss Edel would come through for them! Miss Edel always does.

"Thanks a lot, Miss Edel," she says, smiling up at her, "for always being so kind to me."

Some part of her is sort of thinking she might not get another chance to say this. Sure, everything is going to be fine, probably - but Kraehe's pretty scary, and maybe . . .


authorsbypass January 26 2010, 04:30:12 UTC
"This is not kindness."

A remark like that, following Duck's earnest thanks, ought to be said with a smile, or affection, or even Kraehe's casual cruelty -- but Edel is placidly



"Puppets follow the pull of their strings."


fairytaleknight January 26 2010, 04:40:13 UTC
Fakir raises his head, listening.


reallyaduck January 26 2010, 04:52:35 UTC

Duck doesn't get it.


authorsbypass January 26 2010, 05:19:29 UTC
So Edel explains.

This is, after all, her role.


Only now does her head turn. Towards Duck, slowly and by degrees; it looks as if wood ought to creak with the motion. Her eyes are hooded, blue blank stones.

"I possess neither feelings, nor a heartbeat."


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