So... its been quite a while since I last wrote in here. Student teaching will begin in just about two weeks. I'm not nervous yet, but I'm sure if you talk to me on January 15, I'll be a little more nervous. Anywhoo... I hope (hope, hope, hope) that my other journal, on blogger, will be where I post about student teaching. I honestly just need to schedule in blogger writing time into my schedule, around teaching and exercising.
Speaking of exercising... I'm really, really trying to get back into the swing of running. so far, Sunday and today, I've been walking for one minute then running (jogging) for two minutes. I've done that for 20 minutes. I'm shooting for running again tomorrow to get back on the
schedule that I have. After about four more weeks, I should be able to run for about 20 minutes straight, granted this is on the treadmil, so as long as I can do that, I can work my way to running on the road. The reason for this running, aside from getting back into shape and losing weight is that this summer the fam is going on a CRUISE!!! We're going to Bermuda. And it is my goal to fit into and purchase
this. Basically I just want to find a bathing suit that I feel comfortable in and if I happen to look good then that is just a plus. I also need to find some sun dresses and a more formal dress for the cruise too. But I'll cross that bridge when I get there.
What else... I'm seriously considering going into the peace corps when I get done with school. I'd like to teach english somewhere. I'm afraid of filling out the app now because they might send me away before I go on the cruise. And I want to go on the cruise. I've been scouring the internet to find when people who teach english leave America, but most of the blogs dont give much information on when they left the country. I'm thinking if I fill out the application about four months before August (when I want to leave) then that will almost guarantee that I'll be able to go on the cruise. So if I start the application in April, and because the peace corps is a governmental thing which will take a while to go through all the red tape, I'll know if I'm doing that or if I need to start filling out teaching applications and finding an apartment. I should really fill out the application now, or at least by Feb or March. And I need to tell my parents about my decision to do this. I just want to get out and expericen the world. And travel. And teach. Going to Canada doesn't really count as going out of the country, cause we're so close and so similar. It would be like the British going to Scotland or Ireland. They're just really similar, and the language is the same, (even french for canada) but culturally very similar. Me going to like Romania or China or something is stepping out of the zone that I'm so comfortable with. And it would just really kick some serious ass for me to be able to say "I did this! what have you done with your life? got married and popped out a kid?! Ha! I went to a foreign country, learned a new language and lived on my OWN for two years." Not that I'd rub it in or anything.
Anyways, I've posted enough and need to do some thinking and probably take a shower (since I haven't and I've run and went for a hike up Mt. Prospect, but only to the first rest area) Let me know what you think of my possible life plans!!