Bored... can you tell?

Jun 04, 2008 01:07

 So, not much happened today.  Other than my birthday!  But it was very low key... as in we're celebrating it on Sunday.  Thats ok with me.  22 is kind of insignificant... like 11 and 17.  whatever.  I did get a rose from my parents (with a card) and Tom managed to get me a card too, but then managed to miss birthday cupcakes because he was with his family, not at the bording house and laundry facility (note sarcasm).  But the card was funny.

so what did I accomplish today?  A whole lot of nothing.  I did manage to finish season 3 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.  I've been working on season 3 for a while and just finished the last show a few minutes ago because I can sleep.  yeah, I'm sad.  Buffy and Angel are soul mates.  And that is the part that appeals to me the most.  Because they are the ultimate Romeo and Juliet.  And that is just tragically amazing.  And it might have something to do with the whole idea of enemies falling in love and all the tension that comes with that, but its something more with them.  And this makes me sound completely crazy, but whatever.  There aren't a lot of fictional couples (in my experience) that have the same passion and love for eachother that Buffy and Angel do (now I sound like a crazy person).  I can think of any fictional couples in tv shows that are like that, and not many movie couples come to mind either (except maybe Moulin Rouge, but i'm not totally sure about that).  As for couples from literature, romeo and juliet obviously and Lizzie and Mr. Darcy come to mind, but they aren't tragic, just happy.  Oh, Tristan and Isolde is a very tragic one too, but I stand by saying that Buffy and Angel are the most tragic of tragic lovers.  And that is why I love them.
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