Apr 22, 2009 20:12
i think i'm the only person who watches 30 rock... but if anyone else does too, congratulations - you are 2 steps cooler than people who don't. (but, the rest of you are pretty cool too)
so, on the show, tina fey's character (liz lemon) says BLURG whenever she's angry instead of cursing.
at first i thought this was amusing ... until it crept into my vocabulary... now i say BLURG too.
and to just give you a measure of how frustrating my day was:
this was approximately a "20 BLURG" day.
oh.. and although i love liz lemon, i'm afraid i'm going to end up like her. i'll have a job, i'll have sarcasm, but that's pretty much it. even though she's pretty cool/really hilarious.
on a lighter note... i think i know the shim sham now... "and ya push and ya push it and ya CROSS OVER!"
hmmm... sometimes my lj entries are really random and give little to no information about my life in general. i wonder if these odd vignettes are widely understood (?)