Aug 19, 2003 01:11
So I dont really have anything to say today. I woke up, went to work and then went to Tim's house... planned on going out to a movie and fell asleep for about 20 mins, and missed it. So, we went and rented a movie... We couldn't get into it so we played some super nintendo, hehehe (does that ever bring back memories!!!) and did some other *stuff*.... *lol* but that was pretty much my day. I'm pissed at Pick N save though... GRRR i mean. god. i've worked there over 2 years, and have been asking to move departments for the past year and a half... their excuse was always that i was too young (not 18) so then when i turned 18 in APRIL i asked and they said there were no positions available. BAH. so then, about a week ago I find out that this girl Kendal who has worked there for 6 months TOPS and is 16.... got moved to the floral department!!!!! I WAS SO PISSED! I HAVE BEEN ASKING TO MOVE THERE FOR A LONG TIME NOW!!! I wasn't mad at her because our main boss (a real asshole that NO ONE can stand named Ralph) is the one who chose... and I think he chose her because he likes her... she's skinny, blond, and SO FRIGGIN PREPPY THAT IT'S SICKENING. OMG. She's one of those "OH MY GOD SHUT UP! HAHAHA *GIGGLE* HAHAHA" yeah, really annoying. Amby and I make fun of ppl like that. But yea anyway... so i'm mad about that!
k... wanna know some other bad shit? yeah, i lost my pay check from my "other" job. yeah.... I just noticed this about 5 mins ago so it's too late to call and tell my boss but yeah, i'm mad about that, it was a $300.00 check!
OHHH Geoff... yeah he goes away tomorrow morning to college. *sighs* it's a 30-day thing, for culinary arts. SO yeah, i'm mad. I keep missing him online and never get to talk to him and it made me really upset today cause as i logged on, he had just logged off... in the same minuet and everything. I ended up crying even... *LOL* He's one of my very best friends, and the other night told me that even though i have trouble believing this and that it's happened the opposite with others that he will always be here for me and i have a friend in him for life... *smilz* that made me happy. He might even get a job closer to me so we can kick it all the time... hehe how awesome would that be! You know what though? Carol really needs to move here. I miss her... :-( I miss her a lot! On the 22nd it will be a year since I left Texas while visiting her. That was such a fun time... I want to do it all over again. She is a sweetheart and I can't wait to see her again. Man. I swear. She should move here LOL.... All people that are close to me live a million miles away so it seems. Oh well right? Live and go on ;-) alright well thats all for now.. i've wasted enough of ur time!