Frustration: A Small Rant

Sep 11, 2006 12:33

I am really sick and tired of the recent wave of grumpy zombie-patrons we've had at faire. You know, the ones that walk around as if they're in some sort of trance, and don't respond to any efforts to play with/entertain/sell them things/say hello. The ones that walk right by me when I try to sell them a rose, without so much as a "No, thanks," and occasionally, shockingly, fail to even notice me. ('Cause, ya know, I don't stand out at all.) The ones that get annoyed when an actor tries to engage them in witty repartee.

I know I'm not the only one who has noticed the sudden increase in this phenomenon.

Granted, they're fun and easy to mock, but there's only so many times one can comment on the zombie-like nature of the clearly living patrons before it gets old. I'm sure most of you would agree with me; it's getting VERY old. I, personally, am running low on jokes. I'm sure you've all heard me begging someone to get me a chainsaw a number of times. (For the love of all that is right with the world, DO NOT ACTUALLY GIVE BUBBLES A CHAINSAW! Bad things would happen.)

These people paid twenty bucks to get in, you'd figure they'd want to, oh, have fun or something. Apparently not. Kind of makes you wonder why they're there.

You know what? I'm there, (almost) every day, working my ass off from 8.30AM until at least 7PM, and I'm still smiling! Hell, most of the time, I'm having actual FUN! EVERY DAY!

If you come to the faire, and you don't want to have fun, or buy things, or play, or see your friends, GO HOME. We're just going to spend the day making fun of you anyway, and you'll just get pissier every time that happens, so why don't you go home and sit on your ass and watch TV or something. We're all trying to make you happy in our own little ways, and you're refusing, so get the hell out.

Then, there are the morons who pay their twenty bucks for the sole purpose of getting plastered on over-priced beer. GO TO A FUCKING BAR. Granted, the atmosphere won't be the same, but your drunk-ass girlfriend won't rant at me about how all of my roses are dead and/or refuse to let you buy her one because it costs the same as a beer. In short, go somewhere else so you don't waste my time and piss me off. You DON'T want to piss the fairy off. Once again, you'll be teased mercilessly.

I've been toying with this idea for a couple of weeks, and I'd like to know what you all think of it.

Every time some rude asshole completely ignores my (usually adorable) efforts to sell them a rose without even acknowleding my presence, I am going to scream "ZOMBIES! 'TIS THE UNDEAD! HEEEEEEEEEEEELP!" It's common courtesy to simply say "No thanks," and those who don't comprehend that should be embarassed.

Of course, that would mean breaking my fairly-well maintained character in front of patrons.


faire, frustration

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