So bored...

Jun 01, 2006 15:58

Some days, I'm running around like a chicken with my head cut off. Others, like today, I'm bored out of my skull. You ALL know what happens when Bubbles gets bored.

If I finish all of my work an hour and a half before quittin' time, I should be allowed to go home. And still get paid. ::nods::

Tomorrow's Friday! And pay-day! Wooo!

I have a new Elmo photo on my desk. It's me and Rich holding him, and we're all dressed up for a wedding. Everyone keeps talking about how fat he is. He's really not fat; you can feel his little ribs like you're supposed to. I tell him he is all the time, though. Rich says I'm going to give him a complex. I say there's nothing at all complex about that cat. Har har har!

I can't wait to go home and cook dinner for my love. And possibly my brother, who is still the most awesome brother in the universe. He gave my car a tune-up the other week. He changed the oil, transmission filter and fluid, spark plugs, spark plug wires, and fuel filter. He's going to do the engine coolant when he gets a chance. He looked all professional in his uniform working on my car! It was SO CUTE. (A pox upon anyone who dares tell my brother that I said he looked cute working on my car!)

GAH! Why is there nothing to DO? Tomorrow I'm going to get slammed. You just watch.

steve, bored, elmo, rich

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