i know one hundred ways to be a good girl... one hundred ways... my willingness to please...

Oct 27, 2008 00:20

I’m really not happy with Comcast.

It started off as a really fantastic place and went downhill really quickly. The most recent frustration is the newest shift bid. They’ve gotten more and more difficult to stomach. Looking at the bright side, every bid that passes our ranking gets higher and higher as more people walk out in disgust. The insult this time around was the amount of shifts that don’t have two consecutive days off: 28 out of 39 shifts are splits. In some cases they schedules are two days on, one day off , three days on, one day off.

I’m sick. I’m disgusted. I’m insulted. And what’s more, they don’t give a fuck.

The people that run this company don’t care. What’s worse, I don’t have options. I have no degree. A sketchy work history before 2 years ago. I don’t want to jump ship too soon and screw this up and end up in the unemployment line, but at the same time I *HATE* this job. Pay and benefits aside, they don’t care. This shift bid is just another nail in the coffin and soon they’re going to run out of nailing room...

I don’t know what my options are, and I didn’t rank that badly in the call center. I was 125 out of about 270 or so. Give or take 10. So I’m still in the top 50%, but it’s just gotten so bad around here. There’s no job security. More than half the supervisors don’t give a damn about the agents. HR is mostly a bunch of incompetents and what they do try for they fail at, miserably. In one case, they tired to help and ended up just rubbing salt in the wound. Resource Management runs the call center. We don’t have half the management people we need b/c as the positions open up, they don’t get filled b/c the center “doesn’t have the money” but the same problem happens with the agents. When Chris and I started at Comcast there were more than 300 agents in the center. On the last shift bid we ended up under 250. Now the only reason we’re over that is b/c they hired three training classes worth of temps.

After much ranting and raving what does it all amount to? Not a whole hell of a lot. I’m no longer happy with my job. I don’t feel safe there. I don’t feel comfortable. I don’t feel like I’m accomplishing anything. I need to choose if I’m going to keep doing this or not. I may put my feelers out and find out if there’s something else out there for me. Aetna turned up nothing. I have another job that I can apply for and find out if they’re hiring.

We shall see...

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