Jan 11, 2004 23:33
well I was about to go to bed but I just found out I don't have my first class tomorrow morning:) It's a recitation and it, along w/ my physics lab, doesn't start until the 26th (next mon we don't have any classes...thank you MLK).
I really can't believe break is already over...it was soo freaking long! 4 weeks! and what did I do? nothin too exciting. I worked a ton the first 2 weeks, w/2-day trips home to make xmas cookies, hang out w/chris and amy, and celebrate xmas. Didn't really work the last 2 weeks of break, considering they forgot to put me on last week's schedule. Don't really care though b/c I got to be at western w/chris from tues-fri(morn, worked fri, and went back to western sat afternoon till today-went to the wmu hockey game last night). Anyway, Chris' 22nd bday was on the 28, ate at Roger's Roost w/his fam then, partied at Wild Woody's, got a hotel room. Wet pussy is soooo good...the drink/shot you sicko! white russians are good too. NYE was fun, got drunk off pucker b/c I forgot my liquor at the hotel and i didn't want to drink beer or jager. The party was in Livonia, went w/Chris, Anton, and all those kids. Also, I went to Greektown Casino for the first time and the new Hard Rock Cafe; and went to 30 cent wing night at BW3s in mt. clemens.
I hung out w/Chris sooo much over break:) He even came to EL a couple nights when I was there working so I wouldn't be alone and scared at night in my apt. And he was a good sport about sharing his twin size bed for 3 nights in a row this past week. I'm really gonna miss seeing him once class starts, Western started last week :( oh well time apart is good...i guess. we'll see.
ok I'm going now b/c I'm talking to my roomie