Inspired by
Sady Fucking Doyle and
Kate Fucking Harding. Because we all need to be able to stand up and say "I AM" without apology, without downplaying, and without worrying what anyone else will think.
I have a fantastic sense for color and adornment. I can do fabulous make-up and create a costume for any occasion out of the contents of my closet. I auditioned and got my first theater role last year, and I'm taking a week-long stage combat workshop next month so I can be even more of a badass on stage. I'm not afraid to sing in public and I will dance whenever I have the opportunity. I can throw clay and weld metal. I make monsters. I cuddle like no-one's business and I've been told that hugs are my superpower. I can walk into a room and have everyone there in love with me by the time I leave. I am a good friend, an awesome wife, and you are damn lucky if I consider you part of my chosen family. I boldly GO and nothing is going to keep me back once I put my mind to something.
Oh, and I'm really pretty, wicked smart, and incredibly charming. I am fairy-fucking-logic and I am awesome.