Twitter post

Jun 25, 2009 23:55

10:51 Good Morning! My tummy don't feel too well since last night. :( #

Haru Harus' new room in pet society. Looks yummilicious eh?? #

12:08 I had the sweetest dream of bebe last night =p MUACKZ #

12:18 @ ronaldloke Quick order the big tub of ice cream leh!! O-R-E-O! #

15:49 Afternoon NAP! #

18:59 My Daily Twittascope - #

22:46 @ Redishot Chicken pox?? Get well soon!! Mean while, i help u poke some =p *POKEPOKE* #

22:47 *meanwhile. BLEAH #

23:33 I used to have 2 friends who were just like someone i dislike a lot right now. Eeky! GetALife #

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