No day but today...

Jan 17, 2006 17:42

So yeah...i had a busy busy weekend! Friday rained like a m'ama and i got so soaked i had to go back to Say-ruhs house to change clothes before her leyla and i went to Taco Bell. Oh the greatness! So then i went home and April and i spent the night at Jills. It was mucho fun! I had a nice chat with some people i dont much anymore. We played Harry Potter scene-it. That was amazing. We made our Jack shirts and that was even more amazing. Jill's sister made her special brownies...which were heavenly but not as heavenly as heaven (go figure). All in all, a good day. Then i went home and went on my date to Moes, and maybe im just hard to please, but i was bored out of my mind. Thank god i avoided the kiss. Finally with a call Sarah rescued me and i went to Alex's to hang out with the posse. That was fun too. Then late into the night Sarah Lauren and i returned to my home for a siesta. The next day we went to church and that was dandy, we (s, me and lurver) went to see Tristan and Isolde which was good, tragic, and i wanted to rape the screen (tristan is one good looking man..well boy i guess). Then lurver and i watched King Arthur *orgasm* and The Cave (which was ehh). Then it was all over and i attacked the mountain of homework i had accumulated. I had all monday to finish...and i didnt. This was like....Everest ok. Yeah, monday had a fit of the psychos. Tomorrow im gonna wear my JACK shirt. Yeah, leyla and i went to wendy's today...that was great! okey dokey. Erien comes home this friday...that should be exciting.

This is copied exactly from my if anyone reads it and its a little out there...that would be why...
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