(no subject)

Feb 08, 2007 20:38

Since only like 4 people read this, I am going to write what's on my mind since there are less people here to judge me or think that I am talking about them.

I've been there for you since 9th grade and this is how you treat me? I was the one that was there for your phone calls when you needed someone to listen and went out of my way just because I cared about you. I listened to your problems and did my best to help you and I was one of the only people at the time that didn't make you feel like an outsider in a school where you felt like everyone else was judging you. You know I've always been nice to you, but now you just seem to treat everyone else much better than the way you treat me, despite how good of a friend I've been to you all these years. I always see you commenting on other people's livejournals or facebooks about how great and wonderful they are and how much you miss them. You sound like such a sweetheart. But when it comes to me, you didn't even say Happy Birthday. You never care about how I'm doing even though I've been here for you. I know you used to really care and loved talking to me, but what about now? Have you just gotten sick of me or something? You don't just become friends with someone because they listen to your problems all the time. I am not your therapist and therefore I think I deserve some respect in return, or at least equal treatment. In the future, I suggest you learn how to show some appreciation for people.

I never made my own decisions. I hated my senior year partially because everyone got to make the adult decision of choosing which college they would attend. I never had a choice because of family issues and financial problems. I know other people have it much worse, but apparently the people around me sure don't.

Can someone tell me what I've done with my life? Because I just don't know. There is no substance, I haven't done anything. My only "experiences" are from hardships. All I do is learn from other people's experiences, but I don't have many of my own. And now that my social life is nonexistent, I don't how to get out more and become socially unsheltered.

In one sense I am very exposed and in another I am completely sheltered. My independence and getting out more have been compromised so many time. I don't need to live like 26, desperately trying to work hard in school to get a job to support the family. I guess I need to, but I also need to live like a 19 year old and do the things I know I won't have time for when I actually do get a career.

I need to get out of here to live with others and know what its like and learn from it. I am 19, not 9. I get yelled at for doing what I want to do.

Please don't think I am unhappy with my life and that I feel sorry for myself.

This is why I avoid complaining, I always think someone is judging me about it. I just want to be around people my age and have fun with them, that's all. I just want to go out.

I am either not working hard enough or not helping out enough, none of my efforts matter. I am waiting for the day that I can be my own woman and not live up to a goal all the time.

"Remember that one episode of the Simpsons when everyone found out that Flanders was really 60 years old? And then he realized that he looked so young because he hadn't done anything in his life. I just don't want you to turn out like that".
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