(no subject)

Aug 16, 2007 18:25

Fightscrime asked me these questions. let me know if you want me to ask YOU questions.

1) You and I both have old-ass parents. I have my own views on how this shapes a person, but what are a few of yours?

Good question. I've actually thought a lot about this. First off, I think that because my parents were born in the forties, they grew up in an era where common courtesy was far more of a norm then it is today. Even as a kid, I saw my parents saying "please" and "thank you", giving up their seats to older people and pregnant women, and generally being more formal in their social niceties. This in turn shaped how I try to behave towards people. While specific social customs are altered by different generations, I have noticed that people with parents born before the nineteen sixties tend to think more about how they interact with the population around them.
On the other hand, I think my parents age has made me in some ways almost a morbid person. They both have health problems, that in my adolescence were being experienced by the grandparents of my friends. This of course has lead to amusing run ins with "imaginary gout", but on the whole I have realized in the last few years how pessimistic I tend to be about medical or physical issues.

2) What's your favorite craft to do right now, and why?

I've been making my own stencils out of freezer paper and using them on canvas bags and tee-shirts a lot in the past year or so. I like doing it because on one hand, you really have to plan what you're doing, but then halfway through you realize that you've totally fucked up and have to freehand with some fabric paint. It's inexpensive, which I like. And I give awesome customized birthday presents, which in turn makes me popular.

3) How many people would you punch in the face on an average day, if you had your druthers?

On a day I'm working at the shop, I generally don't mind the customers, with two major exceptions. The first is people who don't watch their children. I'm kind of a natural babysitter and I don't like feeling like I have to keep some kid from choking on a pirate coin. If I'm going to babysit, pay me. Pay me a lot.

The other major punch-worthy offense is people who have "been there before". I've worked at the shop for exactly four years and with a very few exceptions, I have gotten to know all of the regulars. That being said, I tell every customer that I don't recognize, "Just to let you know, we do have two more floors." when greeting them. If it is someone I think I remember from having been in before, I'll say "do you know about our other floors?". I have a special hate for the ones who I don't recognize when they respond with "oh, I know, I come in all the time." No. They don't come in all the time, or I would know them. I hate these people. I would say on an average work day, I want to punch three to four people in the face.

In terms of derby frustrations, I fantasize more about shaking sense into people rather than punching them.

4) Remember that time that we saw a mammal?!?!

Remember? It was my 21'st birthday party and we saw a mammal that was later identified as a vole under a stone in Brian's backyard. It was clearly a mammal because it had body hair and almost certainly gave birth to live young. However we were skeptical that a vole was a real animal, because what the hell is a vole? I recall that one or both of us called whomever identified the mammal a liar.

I'm impressed that I remember this because it's probably the only memory I have of that party besides indignantly telling Laura "I know how to throw up in a toilet!" just before throwing up in a toilet.

5) What's your dream career, just this second?

#1 To be paid to skate in circles, yell and blow my whistle.
#2 care bear
#3 Some area of social work or counseling that involves adolescents or teens. In my undergraduate work I've always had a strong interest in the outcomes of different types of abuse on adolescents. I'm sure I won't narrow this down until I'm well into grad school, but sexual abuse has always interested me in particular, possibly because the effects can be so devastating if there is no intervention. I've also found that on the subject of sexual abuse, I'm far less squeamish then my classmates. I find it terribly upsetting to be sure, but to deal with such realities on a day to day basis, it's important to be comfortable discussing and working with survivors.
#4 vole expert
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