(no subject)

Feb 16, 2007 08:56

If you are a full time student then you need to stop it right now. I'm telling you, part time is the way to be. I'm taking Spanish 201 and Psych 332 (statistics), I neither like, nor am I moderately proficient in these areas. yet somehow I have not had one tear-filled breakdown in the three weeks school has been back in session. drop half your classes. do it.

mind you, when i say that i don't like spanish, it's not in a "git out of mah country, or learn the president's english!", it's more in an "I struggle with this and therefore don't want to learn another language" sort of way. I like spanish and god knows it's useful, but i really think that the submersion method (utilized by UMBC) only truly works when you are submerged in the language ALL the time. Not two and a half hours a week as I am. It really discourages question asking when you have no idea what the answer your teacher gives you means.
but being a part time student I am above this sort of worry to begin with. so there.
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