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Sep 09, 2010 03:44

The Locals

The city of Splendor is quite the odd one, and its strangeness hardly stops at the city landscape.

There is a group of native born citizens in Splendor that epitomize the bizarreness of the city. These individuals are simply dubbed "The Locals", as there is hardly a dominant characteristic amongst them to classify them by. From fairies and wizards to giant robots and tiny children, The Locals have existed harmoniously with Splendor since the very beginning of the city. They take great pride in their unique city, and do their best to ensure it stays as whimsical and delightful as it always has been.


The Locals can easily be summed up in four words: territorial, protective, curious, and exclusive.

The Locals are extremely territorial. They value their city and it's harmonious nature above all else, and will go to great lengths to ensure it stays as balanced and peaceful as it has always been. They are very unhappy about outsiders entering Splendor, but are not a malicious people; the surrounding nature of Splendor is highly dangerous, and the Locals would not banish people to it that are not capable of dealing with it.

The Locals are also very protective of the things close to them. This is a small category, only encompassing each other and their beloved city, primarily their city. Splendor is more important to each local than their own life, and they will go to great lengths to protect it. It is unknown just how far these people will go to protect their city, but it can be assumed that there is very little they won't do. Splendor is more than their home; it is their essence, and they value it above all else.

The Locals are a very curious people. Their city library is vast and each Local is well learned in many subjects, as knowledge is something they all seek after. The majority of locals make a daily effort to study and read, often spending most of the hours outsiders would be awake studying away in their secluded homes or locked library studies. They are especially curious about worlds outside of their city, if only because their precious city seems to be more aware of these worlds than they are. However, because of the Locals tendency to view everything within their city as group property, any outside artifact may find itself in the hands of a sneaky Local rather quickly after it's appearance in the city. The artifact may be returned, but only after being thoroughly studied, assessed, and documented.

Finally, the Locals are extremely exclusive. They refuse to interact with and acknowledge outsiders past the absolute minimum, and even then they very rarely will appear to even be aware of their existence. The Locals are also a quiet bunch; they speak very softly to each other, almost in whispers, though their volume may just be another aspect of their dialect. What their dialect is, exactly, is completely unknown to outsiders, as there has never been a recorded instance of a Local conversing with a newcomer to the city. It is unknown why the Locals are so exclusive, aside from their territorial side.


The Locals are very protective of Splendor; they allow others to live there only because they have yet to find a way to send them home (and they are hardly cruel enough to banish outsiders into the perilous wild), but they do not see themselves as "sharing" their city; any newcomer is a guest and is expected to act accordingly without being told. While The Locals prefer to sweep smaller issues under the carpet in favor of avoiding as much contact with outsiders as possible, violent conflict is the one thing they will not stand for. City property can be rebuilt, litter can be cleaned up, and food stores can be restocked, but every drop of blood spilled is forever etched into Splendor's history. Splendor is extremely sensitive to its inhabitants, and any violence that occurs in Splendor may cause Splendor to transform into a darker setting next transformation. The Locals love their city and do not want to see it in a dark form, so they see any attack on someone inside the city limits as an attack on the city itself.

What does this mean for anyone caught in a physical fight? Well, it will of course depend on the nature of the fight. A small fist fight might garner some rather chilling warning stares from The Locals, but a fight where blood is spilled will result in direct contact, though it may not happen during the fight. If there is a Local nearby with the ability to stop an intense conflict with little to no direct contact to the strangers, they may intervene and simply disappear once the conflict has been stopped. However, if the conflict escalates and someone is seriously injured (or worse), The Locals will take group action on who they see as the guiltiest party in the conflict. What action they will take is uncertain, but know that they will not stop until they are satisfied that the guilty party will never want to partake in that sort of action again.


Unlike most things in the city, it is nearly impossible to tell what district a certain Local resides in by simply taking in their appearance. This is because many Locals have a tendency to shape-shift as soon as they cross into another district. They are extremely sensitive to Splendor, and therefore adjust themselves to better fit in to the environment. More often than not it is simply a change of clothing or hair color, but it is not uncommon for a Local to shift their form so drastically they change species just to fit into a landscape. For instance, you will very rarely if ever see anything besides a fairy, gnome, or any other mythological creature in the Wonderland district, but you will never see any of these creatures in the Metropolis district, as they will all turn to humanoid figures upon crossing the boundary.

It is difficult if not impossible to tell the natural form of any Local, as each form they take looks just as permanent and in place as any other. Since many Locals prefer one appearance to another, many prefer one district over the other. There are very few locals that do hop from district to district, with the majority choosing to stay in one area.

It can be difficult for an outsider to be able to fully describe a Local after they have seen one. The Locals seem to carry the ability of a "forgettable face"; while one may remember their general appearance and build, their faces are nearly impossible to remember when not directly looking at one.

The Locals have a few odd behavioral habits that make their species categorization even more confusing. For one, the Locals rarely eat, and only seem to do so when it is pleasurable to them. They do not seem to need food or nourishment of any kind. They also do not seem to need much sleep, being able to function at their full capacity on only an hour's worth every few days. This allows them more time to interact with their city and be fully aware of what is going on.

The Locals also make very, very little noise, even when speaking with each other. They seem to be able to move silently, with even their giant mechas only causing impact tremors when they wish to be heard.

There are positives to living alongside The Locals, however; aside from continuously keeping every inch of the city clean and ensuring necessities are never in short supply, The Locals also possess the ability to revive any who have been killed. So, should a conflict escalate to the point where a life is taken, they shall not be lost for long. The longer an individual stays dead, the more the city will suffer, and the darker its next mood change may be.


Very little is known about the true powers and abilities of the Locals, except that they seem rather immune to injury and harm. Their strength varies between individuals, as do their powers. It is known, however, that each Local possesses a special or unique ability. These abilities can vary from differing levels of physical strength to exceptional speed to weather control. Since the Locals are so diverse and vast, their abilities are as well. It is also unknown where Splendor's powers stop and the Locals' begin when it comes to caring for and maintaining the city. When it comes to replenishing food, repairing the city, and other such tasks, it is hard to determine whether or not it is the city that does so or the Locals themselves, as none of the Locals have ever been caught in the act.


There are a few peculiar and specific Locals that wander around Splendor. These Locals mostly specialize in violence prevention, though a few have other specific talents. These Locals are called "Notable Locals". For descriptions of all notable Locals, see this page.

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