Sep 15, 2007 23:01
Well I had a one on one workout on Thursday with a personal trainer, and let me tell you he kicked my ass. I'm still a little sore today from the stuff that we did, but I can also tell you that I can notice a difference in the way I feel as well. So now I have to take a look at my finances and work him into it. I think I'll go with the $50 a month plan, which is I'll have him once a week for the 1st month and then once a month for the next 11 months.
So that way during the 1st month he can show me what I need to do, what areas I need to target and of course the proper equipment I need to use and how to use
And even though I was still sore from his workout on Thursday I still went and did my hour this morning. He worked my arms, shoulders and back, so today I did my cardio and worked my legs, butt and abs. So now I'm a little sore everywhere, but strange enough it feels kinda good, I feel as though I'm accomplishing something. and my weigh in for today was 276lbs, so that's 5lbs I've lost since starting this journal up again.
And a bonus from my workout on Thursday was that while I was doing my warm-up before I met with my personal trainer the other HOT trainer that worked with me Tuesday, Adam, came and sat next to the treadmill I was on and talked with me while I warmed up...he is so HOT!!! *sigh*
So I that is this week update...stay tuned for