(no subject)

Jan 20, 2009 12:24

Definetely definetely definetely (is that even how to spell it?) stuck in a horrible rut now.

Graduation was in November and have since done nothing.

Still working part time (ie, 8-12 approx hours a week) in The Cherry Tree. Riviting. Cute shop, but no one wants to shop there. And when they do, they're mental irish people who constantly touch things and say God Bless You.

Still doing my Interior Design Diploma. I'm enjoying it, so why don't I just get on with it?  Motivation, and severe lack of.

I want to move to London. I've got no energy for Cambridge anymore. I don't think I ever really had energy for it, but since i've been in this slump, i will always associate Cambridge with slumpyness, and am ready for something exciting to happen in my life.

What do i want to be when i grow up?

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