Jul 29, 2005 01:30
10. He's hot and cute (I don't care what anyone else thinks, this is MY opinion).
9. I'll cry a lot if I don't see him for some days.
8. He's really smart and impresses me.
7. He's cooler than you and me.
6. I've become a lot more well-rounded in everything since being with him.
5. He's really fun to be with and I'd hate to not have him to hang out with.
4. He's fricken hilarious.
3. He's unique and special in his own ways that I find very attractive.
2. Underneath his temper and attitude, he's one of the sweetest guys ever.
1. I just love him and don't want to be away from him and that's that! It goes deeper, but its too hard to explain.
Now, when you judge right away and say- "Why the hell is Annie with this guy?" refer back to this list.