F R I E N D S...only...(and a bunch of other public stuff)...just being reposted...

Dec 31, 2009 13:35

[By zeldy_pops]

...F R I E N D S O N L Y...

Comment to be added. If I like you, I'll add you back. If I don't, then I won't. Clear? Oh and if you want me to friend you, add me first please? Thanks <3

OK, I am changing my journal to friends only. Sorry, but something came up. If you are already a friend of mine (check my info page to see), don't worry- this DOES NOT affect you. If you wish to be added, then please comment below and I'll add you. I will consider adding you. If you seem interesting and we have things in common, I will. I do not add random people. Comment if you dare, and if you are a reviewer for one of the review communities I applied for, please state which one as well in your request. Failure to follow the rules shall equal banishment from my LJ. Understood? Thanks. :)

*pinches* Hey, you over there! Yeah, I am talking to you. Now, sit down and listen to me for once. Think about something for a minute: How true to yourself are you, and how true are others around you, do you feel, to themselves? Have you ever wondered if others thought you were genuine? Well, then, go and join the just_be_real community and see. It's easy to join, and there, others can judge how true they think you are. In return, you can judge others on the same quality. You end up learning a lot about yourself in the end. So head over there, or suffer the consequences. Oh, and if you are going to be a dipshit, cause drama, or a troll, don't bother applying. Save yourself. If you apply to be on my friends list I think it be a good idea applying to the community as well. But it's ONLY a suggestion I make.

And here is another community that you should join as well: _personltyrates. See what others really think of you: It's based on what's inside and not on the outside.

Also, check out the community _musicreview_. Here is a place where you can review ANY CD, 45, 33, or cassette you wish (any album really), no matter how obscure, how old, whatever, your opinion counts here. Whether it's a CD you just got or had for awhile, tell us about the good points about it, because any information about it may just get someone to check it out, and really like it. Head over there today and join!
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