Madeline Usher's Tale

Apr 08, 2011 18:56


Well, I've most recently finished writing up a proposed novel that I'd love to get published one day. What I need now is mega help in fine-tuning my novel and enriching what's there. Meaning: help with grammar errors, sentence structure, wording, characters, setting, well, anything you can think of. So if you have spare time, please check the link out down below, and I'd really appreciate it forever.

So my novel: it's called "Madeline Usher's Tale," based off of Edgar Allan Poe's short story "The Fall of the House of Usher." I've always wanted to tell Madeline's story since she's a non-existent character sort of.

Anyway, intstead of posting the whole thing here on Livejournal, I've discovered this new site called Wattpad where you can put all your poems, short stories, novels, and even fanfiction. It's such a fun site and gives you lots of options: like creating a cast list and making a mock book cover.

So check out the start of my novel here

I start off with a very short Author's Note, then a brief Introduction from Madeline, and then 11 chapters. So it is "done" in terms of havin a beginning, middle and end.

Oh, and check out this freaking awesome book cover my sister made for me. Maybe that'll get you futher excited. And yes, that's Richard Armitage as Roderick Usher and Katie McGrath as Madeline Usher:

house of usher madeline roderick edgar a

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