So...Spring Break is still going strong for me. I'll probably do some homework tomorrow, considering I have the time now. (Damn my IPC teacher!) I'll probably go to Six Flags on Wednesday, so that'll be fun.
I downloaded a bunch of songs/stand-ups/shit today. Like, a whole truck load. :D Maybe I'll upload some stuff later. But I'm bored now, so I'll do some more random YouTube/fic pimping.
"Nine Lives" (Part 2)
"Nine Lives" (Part 3)
"Scary Sherry: Bianca's Toast" (Episode Clip)
DO YOU SEE THAT? DO YOU SEE IT?! Do you see the canon OTP right there?! And trust me, there's more where that came from! So do you mind telling me why so many fans ship Lassiter/Shawn?! Don't worry, my OTP, I will not forsake you! (God, I love this show.)
Static Shock" (TV Series)
"Suns of the Fathers" (Part 1)
...Shut up. I like this show, alright? Besides, Virgil/Richie is just plain cute.
G Gundam"
Final Episode Clip
Man, anyone remember this one? Good time, good times. I love the ending to this series, my favorite of all the gundam series. The long speech and the crying and the final attack are all somewhat dramatic, but I'm a sucker for those kinds of things. (My guilty pleasure.) (Is it wrong that I look a Domon/Rain and think, "LOLZ...het"?)
Yu Yu Hakusho"
"Surprised to Be Dead"
For those of you who don't know, I introduce you to the first episode of the the first anime/manga I've gotten into. Got into this one awhile back and was also the fandom that introduced me to yaoi. (Hiei/Kurama = yes please!) I love this episode, if only for Yusuke's funeral. One of the saddest moments of YYH, but probably the least remembered.
Sifl & Olly"
"Math Song"
"Dying By Surving"
RENTPairing: Roger/Mark
Notes: Greatest. Roger/Mark story. EVER. Go read, now.
And I shall continue this later 'cause my mom just came in and she's all yelling at me to go to bed, even though we're not fucking doing anything, at all, tomorrow. Jesus Christ, give me a break!