Oh JAY!!!!

Jan 19, 2005 20:51

I met jhlinnell at a Yule gathering in 1998. He is cute, flirty and fun to be around. I was going through some changes at that time and didn't get to know him much then, but knew I was very interested in getting to now him better. About a year later we re-met at a Samhain gathering and spent a good portion of the night together getting to know each other better. Not soon afterward we were dating. But lives being what lives are, especially when others are involved, we didn't get to see each other often. Before I knew it, Jay was getting married and wanted me in his wedding! Call me tickled! I happily helped him celebrate his vows to his wonderful wife, Dawn. I was so happy that he was happy and life seemed so much better. I decided he needed to concentrate on being a husband and starting a life together with his wife so I kinda faded from the picture, but kept in contact. Missed him lots, especially his smile, his soft touch and the playful look in his blue blue eyes. Over the years we have been intertwined in each others lives. I truely enjoy the time I spend with him. I really enjoyed when he spent the evening and I made him dinner and we just sat on the couch and snuggled as we watched movies. That so rocked!!!

I have enjoyed watching how Jay interacts with his son. Wes is a wonderful child and Jay has only recently had help raising him. That amazes me. I've watched Jay love, nurture and enjoy his son. They have such a wonderful relationship. I suppose it helps that Jay is a kid at heart. I hope that never goes away. I can't wait to meet the new wonderful person that he and Dawn are bringing into this world. I know the baby can't help but be wonderful given who its parents are.

Jay is very dedicated. I admire him for finishing college and working through graduate school. I have never done it and don't think I would have been able to overcome the obsticles he has had to.

Jay is uber intellegent. I think my brain would be stuffed and sprouting out my ears if I had the kind of brain power he has and the man had a brain injury. Scary. =)

Jay is a sweetheart. He always has always had a kind thing to say to me, especially when things seem like they are at their bleakest. I have always tried to be supportive of him as he has of me. Even if he disagreed with me or didn't like something, he never has held my decisions against me. He has let me make my own mistakes, and still loved me despite them.

I could probably go on and on about how wonderful Jay is. But I think you might have a clue now. =)
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