So you may have noticed that i tend to post like five things on one day and then there's nothing for a week. I recently discovered bracket's secret which is that the wireless on his laptop is working and i can now type while sitting in the confort of our green velvet recliner instead of at the really ouchy desk where our computer lives. Perhaps this will insure that more post will occur daily, but I'm not really sure why I'm telling you this since it isn't really that interesting.
In other news:
A man at top foods (where we have started borrowing our food from once again as I'm totally fucked money wise as per usual and am unable to buy food and if it weren't for the fact that the insurance is paid off till january and that bracket buys me gas in exchange for driving him around town and picking him up from the bars i wouldn't even be able to pay for the little car either - and I know i whine a lot about being out of money, and i'm sorry, i just get worried i guess about living the rest of my life super poor) ran a cart into my car and knocked off the driver's side mirror. Now... how he managed to break off the mirror with a cart is very confusing to me and I'm more likely to believe that he ran into it with his car, but he's paying for the $250 it's costing to have it fixed, so whatever. Plus his last name is Bacon and when he told me I got the pleasure of being able to ask, "like the meat?" which almost made the whole thing worth it. The car is just really hard to drive now with no side mirror, especially since the defrost doesn't work and i have to use our shower squigee to wipe the frost from the inside of my windows. It will be a while til i can fix that. Poor little tiny geo metro egg.
imagine this only silver. It was my mom's car and she gave it to me for my graduation. I feel the guilt sometimes because now she doesn't have a car, but it was all she had to give me and you can't really say no to my mother. Anyway, it's a little egg, but at least it has good gas milage and once we got six people in it, including two fatties and one very tall bracket, all the way down to pdx. take that!
ok, well since i'm not really sure why I'm making this post about my car, I will end it here.