Just gettin' by...

Aug 01, 2006 00:24

Well in one week I will be sitting in beautiful northern minnesota and i can hardly wait!! Unfortunately going to the cabin also means that summer is winding down and I can hardly believe it. It has been absolutely hectic here lately, hence the lack of postings.

First of all, I feel horrible for basically have no contact with anyone but a few. For those of you who are unaware of what's going on in my life right now, things are pretty crazy. As many of you know, we moved my great aunt into a dementia care home at the begining of May. Well, it is up to us to clean out her house, etc. I told mom I'd help... well between my regular work and working at my aunt's I'm logging 60-70 hours a week and am exhausted all the time. And that is all piled up with prepping to get back to school.

As many of you may recall from a bit ago, I had a feeling the two girls that were going to be my roommates were screwing us over, well surprise about a week ago, I got a call. "Hi Colleen this is Katie."
"Hey, how's it going?" "Its going fine. I was just calling to tell you I found someplace else to live, where I can have my own room." (mind you she ASKED to share, so she paid less rent). "Um, ok." (totally dumbfounded to say more) "Ok, bye." click. Seriously, WTF?? Needless to say I was furious and frustrated and confused and pissed beyond belief. But luckily we've already found someone to take their spot and I have a feeling this will work out much better. Bottom line though, neither of those girls is EVER welcome in my apartment. period.

Also on top of all of that, a couple of weeks ago I was in the emergency room twice in so many days. We thought it was my appendix, but after 2 visits to the ER, 1 visit to a regular doctor, 1 trip to Walgreens to buy a thermometer, and 2 CT Scans... turns out they think I just have some sort of viral infection which is causing my lymph nodes to swell and the pressure is causing great pain in my stomach area... who knew?? lol.

And to top it all off with a cherry, my aunt's husband's neice and nephew flew in from seattle to "help" clean out my aunt's house... well they helped by leaving it in a total state of disaster. And they helped by causing people a LOT of stress, fighting, and problems. Thanks! Thank you so much for flying into town to help and leaving a path of destruction behind instead.

So yeah, that's where I'm at for now. I'd better sign off and get some sleep! Is it Friday yet?? :-)
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