Dec 18, 2006 21:45
it's funny how the whole life after high school goes. I had one shitty summer before college and low and behold it happens for christmas break. i am apparently not exciting enough or loved enough from my so called "friends". no one calls me hence i don't call anyone. it seemed like as soon as i got that diploma, forget it lose all friends. i would love if i could survive i just being friends with my cat and no one else, but i can't. she sheds too much when she lays in my lap.
i'm not surprised, but i'm still hurt. yeah it's partly my fault, but jeez.
so my vacation will consist of working and staying home. if i go out, i'll go out by myself. well actually i can think of one person. so worse come worse i can just call her. at least she likes to hang out with me. my so called "friends" haven't even spoke to me in months. i'm bitter. very bitter. i think i have friends then it just turns out the opposite. it's not what i expected.
i'll get over it, just like i get over other problems.
i'll build that bridge and get over it!