(no subject)

Dec 06, 2011 06:01

The entire world is a horrible place and here I am wondering what to buy people for Christmas. I'm thinking of just donating the money I would have spent on them to charities instead. I think that will go a lot farther than some prepackaged gift that has no thought to it except how much does this cost or would they really like it. In all honesty, I'm kind of sick of it. To think about how much crap is going on in the world, in our own back yard and how selfish our society is. It makes me sick. I'm not saying that I don't fall into this category, because I'm absolutely sure that I do. I'm just saying that we should spend half the time focusing on the real issues that we spend looking for a gift that is going to be obsolete in a month or two. It's ridiculous and it just goes to show you how our society really has its morals and values completely backwards.

But who am I? I'm just someone who loves animals and cannot understand how anyone could every be so heartless and mean to any of them. I suppose I will just have to settle for changing myself and hoping that it's enough.

But it will never be enough.

This world is going to hell and no one seems to give a damn.
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