I’ve been enthusiastic about getting totally hammered making lovely cocktails for a few years now. I believe the Manhattan is to blame, a cocktail I’ve been slowly min-maxing to achieve maximum delight, but that’s a drink for another post. Today it’s all about the Blue Moon.
The Blue Moon is a variation of the Aviation but also shows up as an interesting sounding fancy martini topped with red wine. I haven’t tried that recipe (seemingly the original) and I must say I’m a little afraid but the next time I have red wine around, I promise I’ll make one. For science.
Both the Blue Moon and the Aviation fell off the drinks map when the key ingredient, Creme De Yvette/Creme De Violette went the way of Amelia Earhart. Recently a few companies have started making Yvette and Violette again. I’ve only tried the Rothman & Winter violette so I can’t say which brand makes for the best cocktail.
And now, the recipe!
2 oz gin*
1/2 oz Creme de Violette
1/2 oz lemon juice
Shake with ice, strain.
*I used a genever/Hollands/Dutch style gin when I made the lovely drink you see above but I think a dry or Old Tom would be a bit better suited for this cocktail.
Mirrored from
Snack the Knife.