The look on her face when I shouted across the aisle, "Hey, Dei, there's only a dollar difference between the eight inch wooden dude and the twelve inch wooden dude!" was kind of priceless.
I bought my roommate a poseable wooden artist's model. This is in the vague hope that she will use it in the obscure and mystical creation of pretty, pretty pictures*. I got out of the shower today to find it posed with both "hands"** on the edges of Mortimer's fish bowl, with one leg in the bowl, looking for all the world like someone about to get in a hot tub.
I record these events so that you can all understand the average level of surreality that goes into my daily life, and the average level of pure, unadulterated awesome that goes into living in this apartment.
*Dei is actually a very talented artist. I'm kind of jealous; it's the best I can do to draw a recognisable fish.
**Twelve Inch Dude, as he has been named, is not very detailed, so they are hands only in the sense that they are located at the ends of his arms