Aug 20, 2004 15:12
I start classes on Monday. Only two, and I could probably sleep through both of them and still pass, but I'm still a bit distressed by how much this is going to cut into my free time. Seeing as I have recently begun reconnecting with old friends, made a few snazzy new friends, and have that special someone I want honest-to-god quality time with, I'm not entirely sure how well I'll be able to make myself focus on homework and good studying habits. This is when I almost miss working retail, where at least I could spread my schedule a bit over the weekends and have more flexibility to work different hours. But then again, I'd have to deal with the general public, which has a way of making me violently... well, violent. So it's probably for the best that I'm safely ensconsed in my cubicle.
So, back into the wild, wacky world of British Literature and French I go... wish me bon chance, mes amis! In hindsight, I shouldn't have signed up for the Lit class; I thought I still needed one more lit-type credit, but I don't. I actually already have too many, which should really not suprise me as much as it does. The French, though, is purely because all I need to elevate my assembled credits from 'core curriculum' to 'Associate of Arts: Communications" is two semesters of a foreign language and something silly like speech (can't remember exactly). And dammit, after three years I want to have a degree. I don't think I'll be pursuing my CMP as soon as I thought, though. Talked to my boss about it more, and I'm really thinking I'm gonna try for one more promotion here before even looking at it so that I'll have a better chance of being taken seriously by classmates and program instructors. Apparently, I'm not a slacker for not having lots of letters behind my name at 21. Who knew?
Life is relatively drama-free at the moment, and this has already gotten kinda rambly, so I give to you a quiz.
David, I may well hold you to this. Especially the checking your LJ part as then you may update it, which is always an event to be celebrated in my world. I am verging on driving to Michigan just to catch up with you.
meme ho,
observations on life,