[voice | anonymous]
[to harry]
[badly faked man voice]
I'm looking for Mike Hunt.
[to mat]
[high pitched voice]
Ah, yes, is this one Mr. Mat Cauthon?
This is concerning the strange animal noises coming from your place of residence.
[to excel]
[yet another badly faked man voice]
Hello, there, madam. Do you have a moment? I'd like to talk to you about a new product I'm selling.
[to waverly]
[shrill voice]
[to anita]
[static, hissing]
Seven days.
[to sarah]
[brisk, official]
Is your refridgerator running?
[to marius]
[nasally british accent]
Is there an I.P. Freely there?
[to lestat]
[another badly faked man voice. but with a gay lisp.]
Excuse me, but have I reached Mike Hock?
[to nagarov]
[heavy louisiana accent]
'Ello. Dis be yo downstairs neighba and dere be some mighty strange fluids leakin' down here.
[to aleera]
[deep southern accent]
I'm relayin' a complaint here from The Bes' Li'l' Whorehouse in Texas? It wants its clothes back.
[ooc: Yeah. Huge fuckin' dare.
Carlos is having Claudine prank call ten people. Now, these can all either be on journal or a cellular phone, if you think Claudine would have his/her number. They're all anonymous. Feel free to have your character recognize Claudia's voice. Whatever, it's cool.
She's pranked Harry, Mat, Excel, Waverly, Anita, Sarah, Marius, Lestat, Nagarov, and Aleera. THAT WAS SUCH A BITCH OAEIWROAWRJ.]