What is your color? (girls only... great anime pics)
You're Black!
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Your life at Hogwarts (for girls ^___^)
Your name: Hazel GranYour bf: DracoYour house: SlytherinYou are: a nice girl, beautiful and friendly. No one knows, why got to Slytherin (except the Sorting Hat XD)What they think of you:Harry: likes you and has a little crush on you, but is afraid to ask you out 'coz you're Dracos girl.Ron: kinda likes you.Hermione: think, you have to study more.The Twins: don't like you that much. They think, you should be their girl.Neville: is afraid of you.Draco: loves you with his full heart. You discover every day new things about him and his true self. (he's not that bad boy, as everyone thinks)Pansy: hates you, coz youve stolen Draco from her.Grabbe&Goyle: to busy with food to answer.Cedric: thinks you are hot.Cho: likes you.You're really nice girl. Sometimes a bit strange and arrogant, but nice at all.You have a lot of friends but also much enemys, 'coz you're so hot and the boys wanna be to be their girl.You've discovered some things about Draco, good things, that you wanna tell everyone. He's not that bad guy, he shows everyone. You want to protect Draco as much as he wants to protect you.Stay as you are!And if you want, feel free, to message me ^___^
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What kind of guy do you like?
You love all men if it walks and has a penius, he is your kind of guy. Another word for you could be Boycrazy.
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What's Your Anime Love Story? (Super Cute Anime Pics)
Your love is transcendant, even the gods could not break what you have, though it may not seem good at times there is nothing higher than the love you share with eachother, even if it ends in pain your love is enternal.
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