Yesterday we watched The Fast and the Furious 3!
This movies is cool lol :)!
I'm so happy because soon i get a faster internet!!!
Then i can upload my website via FTP again!
i've been trying to find a new msn screen name.... (the ones i like are bold)
i tried on several name generators:
hole name generator:
Tanja - Bitter Fairy Sky
tash_ryan - Pretty Kinder Cherry
tash-ryan - Althea Dakota Junkie
Tanja Bröckel - Cherry Amethyst Blister
Bröckel - Baby Red Void
japanese name generator:
elvish name generator:
Eámanë Telrúnya
hobbit name generator:
Bramblerose Gamgee-Took of Bywater *weird*
gangsta name generator:
Phat Cracka Fool
Heavy Nutz da Killa
Butt-jugglin Scratchy Nutz
Vampire Name Generator:
Belle Drown (Scourge of The Winged Death, Comes on silent wings in the night and wraps a deadly cloak about the victim; impartial as a die, unyielding as stone.)
Cressida du Coudray (Venus of The Cruel, Fond of wine and the finer things of life and death. A creature of nasty habits who preys on innocents.)