I guess this is what happens when I finally get new batteries and there's new things to capture =P
(As opposed to studying for the insane amount of midterms and papers coming up)
to start off:
Lyra & Rupee
the two super scared, not hand-tame diamonds
Aren't they cute??
They've got a nest... which used to be:
...the old food bowl...
Verbal the apartment queen is watching you!
isn't she pretty??
and fat? =P
it might be cuz she eats all day...
What are YOUUU looking at?!
there's another fatty walking around...
shhh... he's looking for food....!
do YOU have food??
These guys do!
Rummy-nose tetras!! don't they look drunk with the asian glow... harhar
How many fish can you find??
What about this one?
Verbal says "HMMM??"
I got owned by a mouse in lab today -__- reminded me why mice aren't among my favorite animals... but he's umm... vasectomized now... we were lucky he wasn't like the demo mouse and decided to wake up in the middle of surgery >.< ughh
This is probably why there are NO guys in my class, even though its a chance to learn about the nasty workings of reproduction...
Midterm study time... heh