10 Weird THings

Nov 13, 2006 21:49

RULES: Each player of this game starts off with 10 weird things/habits about yourself. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 10 weird habits/things as well as state this rule clearly. At the end you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names.

1. Ever since I can remember as a child, I always played the male roles in all our games.. I was always the boy when we played Barbies and always the boy when we played indians. (Which could explain some of my she-cockness and roleplay prefreances.

2. I have an obessession with books and owning them. If i have a bad day or feel crappy, I want to buy a book.

3. I used to be a plus size model from age 15-16.

4. I have the worst smelling feet EVER.

5. If I have a pimple, blemish or something of the sort, I HAVE to pick at it, No matter how painful, I cant rest till its popped or destroyed.

6. I dont like my boobs being touched.

7. I have a strange obsession/facination with earrings.

8. Alan Rickmans voice makes me melt.

9. I am extremly attracted and drawn to androygenous men, but could never concieve of being with one or marrying one. I guess I just want to be them. (Wow. I never thought of that before...)

10. Im the most limber, flexible fat kid you will ever meet. I can do splits and the human pretzle. I secretly wanted to be a contortionist for a couple of years.

I tag....
espionageofny ,


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