Jun 28, 2006 10:44
Dear 1980s,
Although I am grateful for many of the things you have given us, such as my birth and to a lesser extent Bon Jovi, I must request that you rise from your shadowy past and reclaim the bubble skirt. Yes, the bubble skirt has managed to escape. Fashions are an odd thing, tending to escape the decades they belong in to re-emerge briefly in the now, whenever that may be. The sixties mod look managed a full revival via both the emo and trendy communities, and the 70's skinny jeans has been running rampant for a good year. (Why, WHY?!?)
I understand that after 20 years that which was like so totally lame suddenly becomes cool again (and always invites the labels retro or vintage from the magazines) and that I should be prepared to embrace whatever you care to throw. and heres the thing- I am willing to do that. to an extent. Theres heaps of stupid shit I've been dying to wear but cant yet. But you must, MUST reclaim the bubble skirt. I can put up with ill fitting denim. (ThankYOU 1970s) I'll watch skirt hems go back up to the waist without even a whimper. (I still have memories of the pants of the turn of the century that required wax to wear) I can even put up with those thick, brightly metallic woven belts that clinch the waist. But the bubble skirt I simply cannot do. Even at the height of fashion, girls still wore a worried look to accompany the bubble skirt and a look of confusion. ("I mean, everyone is doing it. But I cant shake the feeling that I look like an idiot.")So what gives, 80's? Why are the shops full of these misshapen bags? Why are Cosmo and Cleo consistently telling me that its back? It is a hideously unflattering garment and can only be lonely here. This is a heartfelt request to take it back to rejoin its friends, the perm, the shoulder pads and the ripped, pale, waist high jeans.
Regards, Claire.
And yes, LJ world, I am fully aware of the irony (words can be so useful when people dont know what they mean) of dressing in the way I have done for the past six years and bagging out fashions. But the beauty of LJ is I can act like a complete cock and the only person likley to say a thing is that Kevin wanker. so suck my dick, fashion.